1 minute read

Billy’s ruptured achilles tendon

Five-year-old working dog, Yellow Labrador Billy, was recently referred to Fitzpatrick Referrals Orthopaedics and Neurology for an assessment of his right hind limb lameness.

Poor Billy had ruptured his Achilles tendon and unfortunately, a surgical repair performed elsewhere had become infected and failed. Without a functioning Achilles tendon, Billy’s tarsal (hock) joint would collapse to the floor.

Pre and post-surgery

Under the care of Senior Surgeon Dr James Guthrie, Billy had surgery to restore the use of his limb, undergoing a pantarsal arthrodesis to prevent his hock joint collapsing.

Left: Photo of Billy’s right hind limb before surgery. Right: Post-surgery x-ray of Billy’s right hind limb following pantarsal arthrodesis surgery to repair his ruptured Achilles tendon.

Back for his 6-week check-up

It was great to see Billy back for his check-up, six weeks following surgery, pictured at the top of the page with his surgeon James.

Billy has now been given the all-clear to start gentle training for work again. Billy plays an important role in society as a scent dog within a prison to detect banned substances.

Meet the surgeon: Dr James Guthrie

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Fitzpatrick Referrals is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of orthopaedic, neurological and dental diseases in small animals.