3 minute read

Sweep’s fracture repair

Three-year-old Billy the Chimney Sweep – known as Sweep for short – was referred to Fitzpatrick Referrals Orthopaedics and Neurology practice in Eashing, Surrey, as an emergency in August 2018.

Spaniel patient recovering in the wards at Fitzpatrick Referrals Orthopaedics and Neurology practice.

Sweep is an excitable, energetic dog who was running about in a field when he spotted a rabbit and his natural Spaniel instincts took over. Running down the field after the rabbit, he went into a hedge where he lost his sense of direction and ran out on the wrong side of the hedge onto an A3 slip road where he was sadly hit by a car.

Sweep was rushed in as an emergency with a nasty fracture to his left humerus. Under the care of Surgical Resident Diogo Miraldo, Sweep had his fracture repaired with plates and screws.

Sweep spent a few days recovering from surgery in our wards before heading home back to his family, where he’ll need 6 weeks of crate rest with slow short walks whilst his leg heals.

Sweep recovering in the wards with Veterinary Nurse Katie following fracture repair surgery at Fitzpatrick Referrals Orthopaedics and Neurology practice.

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Fitzpatrick Referrals is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of orthopaedic, neurological and dental diseases in small animals.