Eight-year-old Wellington has been recovering from spinal surgery for the last two weeks and had quite a fan club amongst the team with his happy tail wag and loveable nature!
Wellington was referred as an emergency for investigations after he became unable to walk after another dog launched at him and he became entangled in his lead. An MRI scan showed multiple intervertebral disc protrusions with spinal cord compression. Under the care of Neurology Resident Natalie West, Wellington had a mini hemilaminectomy surgery to remove the disc material from the worse affected vertebrae (L3-L4).
During his stay with us, Wellington’s recovery was aided with the help of our rehabilitation team who gave him daily physiotherapy. The aims of his physiotherapy treatment was to promote healing, reduce inflammation, maintain range of movement, increase his use and strength of his pelvic limbs and general mobility, as well as proprioception. He also enjoyed a few sessions on the underwater treadmill.
Wellington now returns home to continue his recovery, before he can resume his role as popular pub dog at his parent’s pub in Gloucestershire.
Get well soon Wellington!
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