
Noel Fitzpatrick to appear as keynote speaker at Annual Joint UK Radiological Congress

Published 17.05.12

Noel Fitzpatrick will be the first vet ever to have been invited to appear as a keynote speaker at the Annual Joint UK Radiological Congress at the Central Convention Centre in Manchester in June, the largest medical imaging event in the UK.

The event, which is organised by The British Institute of Radiology, The College of Radiographers and The Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine runs from 25 – 27 June and is aimed at all imaging professionals, from both medical and veterinary backgrounds.

Noel’s keynote lecture, ‘Advanced Imaging in Small Animal Veterinary Practice’ is part of the  ‘Hot Topic’ stream of the event and takes place on Monday 25 June from 1315 – 1445.

Noel has also invited two colleagues and collaborators, creating an advanced veterinary imaging forum to discuss how far veterinary imaging has come in the past decade and where imaging in animals is going over the next decade. Washington State University’s Dr Russell Tucker will lecture on ‘Advanced imaging of the brain and thorax’, and Victoria Johnson, Radiologist at Vet CT Specialists in Cambridge will present on ‘Advanced imaging of the abdomen’. As part of this imaging expert panel, Noel will lecture on Advanced imaging of the axial and appendicular skeleton’.

The event also hosts an exhibition with around 90 companies exhibiting this year, making it the largest diagnostic imaging exhibition in the UK.

Commenting on this year’s lecture programme and Noel’s invitation as keynote speaker, organiser and Consultant Muscoskeletal Radiologist at Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre NHS Trust Oxford, Dr James Teh commented; “Noel has the honour of being the very first veterinary surgeon we have asked to give a keynote lecture at UKRC. He is a world renowned veterinary surgeon, who has recently come to the attention of the general public through the Bionic Vet series. He has been a pioneer in bionic surgery, and no doubt his work will crossover and influence surgery in human patients. In his daily practice he utilises modern imaging techniques such as MRI to help diagnose and plan his surgery, which will be of key interest to the audience at UKRC. What he has learnt from dealing with animals will translate into valuable lessons for those of us who work with humans.On a more personal level, I’m sure that his passion for his patients and work will inspire the delegates.”

Noel Fitzpatrick said; “It’s truly a great honour to be invited to this prestigious gathering of radiologists and radiographers. In veterinary medicine we have come so far in the last decade and we are accelerating fast in terms of what we can offer to animal guardians everywhere. This is really important because I believe that we should offer all of the options to all animal guardians all of the time and in fact it’s interesting how my animal patients can access advanced imaging very quickly, in fact same day in most cases, often without a waiting list. Advanced imaging has changed and will continue to change veterinary clinical practice for the better and we have a huge amount to contribute to each other, humans and animals, which totally lights my fire in terms of my One Life One Medicine philosophy, which underpins the education foundation I have created. I’m very excited and just a little bit nervous to be the first vet ever at this great event and I really hope I will perform well as a testament to the many human patient imaging specialists who have inspired and motivated my keen interest in this area of clinical practice and clinical research for almost twenty years now. This kind of collaboration has only just begun and long may it prosper. It’s totally win-win, especially for the patients, and that’s worth shouting about.”