Objective To document clinical outcomes after subtotal coronoid ostectomy (SCO) for treatment of medial coronoid disease (MCD) Study design Prospective clinical study Animals Dogs (n=263) with MCD Methods MCD was treated by a combination of SCO via mini-arthrotomy, cage confinement (6 weeks), leash restricted exercise (12 weeks) and pentosan polysulfate administration. Outcomes were assessed by […]
Veterinary Medicine: Dogs
Radiographic and Arthroscopic Findings in the Elbow Joints of 263 Dogs with Medial Coronoid Disease
Objective To report clinical, radiographic, and arthroscopic findings in dogs with thoracic limb lameness attributed solely to disease of the medial aspect of the coronoid process (MCP) Study design Case series Animals Dogs (n=263) with MCP disease (MCD; 437 elbows) Methods Clinical records (January 2000-July 2006) and radiographs were reviewed and pertinent data recorded. Radiographic […]
Treatment of Incomplete Ossification of the Humeral Condyle with Autogenous Bone Grafting Techniques
Objective To report clinical experience with autogenous bone grafting, with and without metallic implants, for treatment of lameness attributed to incomplete ossification of the humeral condyle (IOHC). Study design Case series. Animals Dogs (n=8; 9 elbows) with IOHC. Methods A transcondylar humeral bone core was removed and the resultant socket grafted using autogenous bone harvested […]