Summary THERE IS disagreement about the manifestations of elbow pathology that should be included under the umbrella of elbow dysplasia. This is highlighted by vari- able inclusion or exclusion of diseases like ununited me- dial epicondyle1 and elbow incongruity2 with the more commonly recognized and historically grouped triad of (1) disease of the medial aspect […]
Veterinary Medicine: Dogs
Management of Humeral and Femoral Fractures in Dogs and Cats With Linear- Circular Hybrid External Skeletal Fixators
Summary Linear-circular hybrid fixators were used to stabilize humeral and femoral fractures in 21 dogs and five cats. Twenty-two of 24 fractures with sufficient follow-up radiographic evaluation obtained union. Time to radiographic union ranged from 25 to 280 days (mean ± standard deviation [SD] 110±69 days; median 98 days). Eleven animals developed minor and two […]
Cartilage gene expression correlates with radiographic severity of canine elbow osteoarthritis
Summary The relationship between radiographic measures of severity of osteoarthritis (OA) and changes in gene expression in joints are not well characterised. In this study, the expression of 11 candidate genes was characterised by quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in normal and OA cartilage and bone from the elbows of dogs with fragmented coronoid […]
The double-arch modified type-1b external skeletal fixator: Technique description and functional outcome for surgical management of canine antebrachial limb deformities
Objective To describe acute correction of antebrachial angular and rotational limb de- formities (ARLD) using a new external skeletal fixator (ESF). Methods Dogs that were presented with lameness caused by ARLD were treated by radial and ulnar osteotomies and acute real- ignment. A modified type-1b ESF incorporat- ing double arches (DA-ESF) and a novel con- […]
Surgical removal of a microchip from a puppy’s spinal canal
Summary A 1.6 kg, six-week-old Tibetan Terrier was admitted with a 12-hours history of acute onset of progressive tetraparesis following insertion of a microchip to the dorsal cervical region. Neurological examination indi- cated a lesion to the Ce1 to Ce5 spinal cord segments. Radiographic examination confirmed the intra-spinal location of a microchip foreign body at […]
Tibial Plateau Leveling and Medial Opening Crescentic Osteotomy for Treatment of Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Dogs with Tibia Vara
Objective To report clinical application of a tibial plateau leveling and medial opening crescentic osteotomy (TPLMOCO) by a single blade cut to ameliorate lameness in dogs with cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture (CCLR) and concur- rent tibia vara. Study design Case series. Animals Bullmastiff-typedogs(n=4;5stifles). Methods Dogs were evaluated clinically and radiographically and records retro- spectively […]
Predictive Variables for Complications after TPLO with Stifle Inspection by Arthrotomy in 1000 Consecutive Dogs
Objective To evaluate risk factors for complications, including meniscal injury and infection, after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) in dogs. Study design Retrospective case series. Animals Dogs (n = 1000; 1146 stifles) with cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture that had TPLO. Methods Medical records (January 2004-March 2009) were reviewed for dogs operated sequentially by medial […]
Comparison of bone mineral density in medial coronoid processes of dogs with and without medial coronoid process fragmentation
Objective To quantify bone mineral density (BMD) in the medial coronoid process (MCP) of dogs with and without fragmented medial coronoid processes (FMCPs) by use of dual- energy x-ray absorptiometry. Animals 50 osteochondral samples from 31 dogs that underwent subtotal coronoid ostectomy for unilateral or bilateral FMCP and 10 control osteochondral samples of the MCP […]
Histomorphometry of Fragmented Medial Coronoid Process in Dogs: A Comparison of Affected and Normal Coronoid Processes
Objective To determine if fatigue microdamage is associated with fragmented medial coronoid process (FMCP). Study design Prospective study. Animals Thirty-eight dogs were admitted for subtotal coronoid ostectomy as treatment for FMCP. Surgical specimens of medial coronoid process (MCP) were retrieved from treated dogs. Normal MCP were collected from 5 age- and breed-matched dogs and 2 […]
Measurement of Ulnar Subtrochlear Sclerosis Using a Percentage Scale in Labrador Retrievers with Minimal Radiographic Signs of Periarticular Osteophytosis
Objective To report the development of a measurement method for quantifying ulnar subtrochlear sclerosis (STS) in Labrador Retrievers. Study design Prospective blinded study. Animals Radiographs of Labrador Retrievers elbows (n=30) with minimal radiographic signs of periarticular osteophytosis. Methods Measurement of STS as a % of the distance between 2 standardized radiographic landmarks (%STS) was developed. […]
Techniques of Application and Initial Clinical Experience with Sliding Humeral Osteotomy for Treatment of Medial Compartment Disease of the Canine Elbow
Objective To determine medium-term clinical efficacy of sliding humeral osteotomy (SHO) for treatment of lameness and elbow pain associated with clinically diagnosed elbow disease featuring cartilage eburnation of the medial elbow compartment (medial compartment di Study design Case series. Animals Dogs (n=49) with severe or persistent lameness attributable to MCD. Methods Signalment, lameness history, and […]
Early Clinical Experience with Osteochondral Autograft Transfer for Treatment of Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Medial Humeral Condyle in Dogs
Objective To establish whether osteochondral autograft transfer (OAT) procedures for osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the canine elbow would restore articular contour, resurface osteochondral defects with hyaline cartilage, and resolve lameness in the short term Study design Case series Animals Dogs (n=27) with medial humeral condylar OCD Methods After arthroscopic assessment, the medial humeral condyle was […]