Launch of Fitzpatrick Referrals Oncology and Soft Tissue Centre

On Wednesday 2nd September, a unique event took place at the Surrey Research Park in Guildford, Surrey.

Over the last 12 months we have been building a state of the art referral centre which will change the way cancer is treated in animals and raise the standard of cancer treatment and care. The model is the Mayo Clinic, the world’s leading human hospital.

This referral hospital will represent a first of its kind for Europe.

The state of the art prep area of the new hospital

The state of the art prep area of the new hospital ©Chris O’Donovan

The new hospital will be unique for a combination of reasons. It has been custom built to meet all of the needs of the cancer patients and their owners. The expertise on site will be unparalleled.  It will be the first animal hospital in Europe to bring together world class medical and surgical oncologists with extensive experience in advanced radiation procedures and the best nursing teams, in order to gain a better understanding of animal cancer and to use that knowledge to deliver the very best treatment to animals. The hospital will also be undertaking clinical research at the coal face of clinical practice in collaboration with multiple human clinical partnerships sharing expertise and learning for the good of both humans and animals – also completely unique.

Whilst this building will impress and contain the latest equipment, it is the team of people inside that makes it truly outstanding. We aim to deliver all of the options to all of the animals all of the time. We will also work with our human colleagues to better inform the treatment of human cancer; after all a cancer cell doesn’t care if you are an animal or human; most human and animal cancers are very similar and we share many of the same diseases.In this way we will bring new ideas to define the treatments of the future.  With Fitzpatrick Referrals Orthopaedics and Neurology, we will also be the only centre in Europe offering custom-designed 3D-printed limb and joint salvage prostheses.

Noel Fitzpatrick, Founder, Owner and Chairman of Fitzpatrick Referrals, MD of Fitzpatrick Referrals Orthopaedics and Neurology

Fitzpatrick Referrals new Oncology and Soft Tissue management team

Fitzpatrick Referrals new Oncology and Soft Tissue management team

This is also not just about the animal but recognising the impact on the pet owners, involving the local vet and building a cohesive care team together with a group of different specialists that work synergistically. A tumour conference will take place each week with all specialists in attendance to review each and every animal patient, so that we can truly deliver the very best consensus view on the route forward. This is what most people would also want if they have cancer themselves. Professionally, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I haven’t heard of anything of this magnitude, even in the US

Professor Nick Bacon – Clinical Director of Fitzpatrick Referrals Oncology and Soft Tissue 

 We are going to work hard to bring other veterinary practitioners and students on the journey with us, to change the delivery of veterinary cancer care forever and by working on improving early diagnosis and detection and by offering training and education we’ll bring veterinary oncology into the 21st century for all animals and their families.

Professor Stuart Carmichael – MD of Fitzpatrick Referrals Oncology and Soft Tissue

Most importantly, this cancer hospital will be independent and family-owned which gives flexibility and agility and it will be built on the successful cornerstones of the Fitzpatrick Referrals values of innovation, integrity, care, education and community.

The warm and open reception area at the Fitzpatrick Referrals Oncology and Soft Tissue Centre

The warm and open reception area at the Fitzpatrick Referrals Oncology and Soft Tissue Centre

Fitzpatrick Referrals