
Noel Fitzpatrick lecturing at The Veterinary Orthopaedic Society Conference in the USA

Published 02.03.15

This week Noel returns to the annual Veterinary Orthopaedic Society Conference in Idaho, USA, providing the latest data on three new surgical techniques that he has invented and one that he has helped to develop.

We’ve always believed that to deliver the best treatment in the world to the animals in our care, we need to be developing the next generation of cutting-edge technology and delivering it to our animal friends with validated evidence-based medicine. The Fitz intervertebral traction screw (FITS) and the spinal Fitzateur are devices for spinal fusion, the PerFiTS (Percutaneous Fixation To the Skeleton) is a device for attaching new lower limbs to cats and dogs, the Fitz rotating hinge total knee replacement is a new development for saving knees with end-stage disease and the Dome Osteotomy technique is a saw which cuts deformed bones in such a way that they can be straightened in three dimensions at the same time.

Noel and a team of engineers have dedicated more than a decade to the development of techniques like these and all of these techniques are now routinely available for patients at Fitzpatrick Referrals. These lectures are now being presented on an international platform, supplying new evidence of clinical efficacy so that as many dogs and cats as possible may benefit from this technological revolution.

“Since the beginning of Fitzpatrick Referrals, I have always believed that if an existing option for one of my patients is suboptimal, we should strive always to provide a better option for the alleviation of pain and for the provision of the best possible quality of life. That’s what I’d want for myself personally – so that’s what I would also want for my dog. Technology is changing all the time and it behoves us to stay at the forefront of all medical advance.

“To apply conscientious best practice you must always ask yourself, am I giving the very best treatment in the world today to my patient? If I can do that, I am happy; if not, I should try to do better. That’s what these lectures are all about – delivering the  very best treatment in the world to each and every animal entrusted to my care. That is absolutely fundamental to each and every day of my life and being here in America, sharing these ideas and listening to the views of like-minded surgeon colleagues is necessary to validate what we do for the greater good of animals everywhere.”  

– Noel Fitzpatrick

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