Fitzpatrick Referrals practice and surgeons

Fitzpatrick Referrals launches new charity CPD event

Published 16.08.23

Fitzpatrick Referrals is opening its practice doors next month to host a CPD and coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

Hosted by our specialists and clinicians, we’re inviting veterinary professionals to come and enjoy a series of interactive clinical lectures, coffee, cake and conversation. There will also be an opportunity to have a tour of the practice.

CPD & Coffee Morning

9am – 9:30am | Registration, coffee and tour

9:30am – 11:00am | Lectures

Total hip replacement – which cases are suitable for surgery?
Speaker: Sarah Girling, BSc BVSc CertSAS DipECVS MRCVS

Spinal disease – when should you refer and all your FAQs?
Speaker: Max Foreman, MA VetMB PGCert(VM&S) DipECVN MRCVS

This lecture will cover:
How to examine the spinal injury patient
What the neurologist wants to know from your exam
How to decide when referral is a reasonable option, and how urgently
What are the main types of spinal diseases and how are they treated?
What you can do in practice if referral isn’t an option

11am – 11:15am | Break for coffee and cake

11:15am – 12:35pm | Lectures

Anaesthesia – top troubleshooting tips
Speaker: Ilaria Petruccione, DVM MRCVS

In order to recognise complications, anaesthetists should have extensive knowledge about monitoring the patient but also regarding the procedures, anaesthetic machine and drugs. This can prevent or at least anticipate some of the most common issues encountered during routine general anaesthesia. This lecture will cover patient complications related to the respiratory system, cardiovascular systems, mechanical system, and human error.

Elbow disease update – what treatment options are available?
Speaker: Professor Noel Fitzpatrick, MVB DSc(Hon) DUniv CertSAO CertVR DipACVSMR DipECVSMR DSAS(Orth) MRCVS

12:35pm – 1pm | Questions and tour for anyone who missed the morning tour

These lectures are suitable for veterinary surgeons and nurses.

Tickets £40 per person – 100% of proceeds donated to Macmillan

When? Wednesday 20 September 2023, 9am – 1pm

Where? Fitzpatrick Referrals, Halfway Lane, Eashing, Godalming, Surrey GU7 2QQ

Limited places available – book early to avoid disappointment!

Book here