
Dr Christos Nikolaou

Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Surgery / DVM CertAVP(GSAS) MRCVS


Dr Christos Nikolaou graduated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2005. After graduation, he completed an internship in small animal surgery at the same university and at Fitzpatrick Referrals. At Fitzpatrick Referrals, he continued as a research fellow for six months before returning to Greece to lead his own orthopaedic referral service in Athens.

He returned to Fitzpatrick Referrals and worked as a manager while receiving advanced training for three years. From 2018 to 2021 he founded and led peripatetic orthopaedic services for a group of primary care veterinary practices.

Currently, he works at Fitzpatrick Referrals as an orthopaedic surgeon and also sees some cases in host veterinary practices around Hampshire.

He has published several scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and his clinical area of interest is stifle disease and traumatology.