Summary THERE IS disagreement about the manifestations of elbow pathology that should be included under the umbrella of elbow dysplasia. This is highlighted by vari- able inclusion or exclusion of diseases like ununited me- dial epicondyle1 and elbow incongruity2 with the more commonly recognized and historically grouped triad of (1) disease of the medial aspect […]
Veterinary Medicine: Forelimb/pathology
Comparison of bone mineral density in medial coronoid processes of dogs with and without medial coronoid process fragmentation
Objective To quantify bone mineral density (BMD) in the medial coronoid process (MCP) of dogs with and without fragmented medial coronoid processes (FMCPs) by use of dual- energy x-ray absorptiometry. Animals 50 osteochondral samples from 31 dogs that underwent subtotal coronoid ostectomy for unilateral or bilateral FMCP and 10 control osteochondral samples of the MCP […]
Measurement of Ulnar Subtrochlear Sclerosis Using a Percentage Scale in Labrador Retrievers with Minimal Radiographic Signs of Periarticular Osteophytosis
Objective To report the development of a measurement method for quantifying ulnar subtrochlear sclerosis (STS) in Labrador Retrievers. Study design Prospective blinded study. Animals Radiographs of Labrador Retrievers elbows (n=30) with minimal radiographic signs of periarticular osteophytosis. Methods Measurement of STS as a % of the distance between 2 standardized radiographic landmarks (%STS) was developed. […]
Subtotal Coronoid Ostectomy for Treatment of Medial Coronoid Disease in 263 Dogs
Objective To document clinical outcomes after subtotal coronoid ostectomy (SCO) for treatment of medial coronoid disease (MCD) Study design Prospective clinical study Animals Dogs (n=263) with MCD Methods MCD was treated by a combination of SCO via mini-arthrotomy, cage confinement (6 weeks), leash restricted exercise (12 weeks) and pentosan polysulfate administration. Outcomes were assessed by […]
Radiographic and Arthroscopic Findings in the Elbow Joints of 263 Dogs with Medial Coronoid Disease
Objective To report clinical, radiographic, and arthroscopic findings in dogs with thoracic limb lameness attributed solely to disease of the medial aspect of the coronoid process (MCP) Study design Case series Animals Dogs (n=263) with MCP disease (MCD; 437 elbows) Methods Clinical records (January 2000-July 2006) and radiographs were reviewed and pertinent data recorded. Radiographic […]